Job seeking used to be a job.

Job seeking used to be a job.

JobLander is an all-in-one platform for landing a tech job

JobLander is an all-in-one platform for landing a tech job

Offering resume customization, skill gap tutorials, automated job applications, interview simulations, and peers feedback.


Tailored Resumes

Tailored Resumes

JobLander adjusts your resume according to job requirements.

Dynamic Customization

This ensures each application stands out and speaks directly to what employers are seeking.

Strategic Highlighting

JobLander emphasizes the most relevant experiences and skills, giving job seekers the best chance to get noticed.

JobLander adjusts your resume according to job requirements.

Dynamic Customization

This ensures each application stands out and speaks directly to what employers are seeking.

Strategic Highlighting

JobLander emphasizes the most relevant experiences and skills, giving you the best chance to get noticed.


Fill The Skill Gaps

Fill The Skill Gaps

JobLander doesn't just identify skill gaps, it provides a tailored roadmap to address it.

curated educational playlists

Personal tutorials and playlists on the latests technologies with respect to the identified skill gaps.

Practical Project Suggestions

JobLander recommends relevant tools and projects, ensuring skills are not just learned but applied, enhancing your portfolio and employability.

JobLander doesn't just identify skill gaps, it provides a tailored roadmap to address it.

curated educational playlists

Personal tutorials and playlists on the latests technologies tailored to your skill gaps.

Practical Project Suggestions

JobLander recommends relevant tools and projects, ensuring skills are not just learned but applied, enhancing your portfolio and employability.


Automatic Applications

Automatic Applications

The right job waits for no one.

let automation handle submissions, so you focus on the rest.

The right job waits for no one.

Let automation handle submissions, so you focus on the rest.


Simulate Interviews

Simulate Interviews

Q&A Interaction

Do a Q&A about your projects to assess your understanding and presentation.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

JobLander uses the CV and the job description for context, delivering an immersive, realistic job interview simulation.

Prep Cheatsheet

Based on the CV, companies info and job descriptions, you'll get a concise cheatsheet with key points and potential questions, ensuring you're fully prepared for actual job interviews.


About your projects to assess your understanding and presentation.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

JobLander uses the CV and the job description for context, delivering an immersive, realistic job interview simulation.

Prep Cheatsheet

Based on the CV, companies info and job descriptions, you'll get a concise cheatsheet with key points and potential questions, ensuring you're fully prepared for actual job interviews.


Peer Recommendations

Peers Feedback

Simplified feedback
share a link with peers to gather genuine feedback on your professional and personal attributes.

Authentic insights

With this feedback, coupled with your CV and targeted job specifics, JobLander's crafts personalized recommendations, perfect for all peers to share on LinkedIn.

Simplified feedback
Share a link with peers to gather genuine feedback on your professional and personal attributes.

Authentic insights

With this feedback, coupled with your CV and targeted job specifics, JobLander's crafts personalized recommendations, perfect for all peers to share on LinkedIn.

Powered by the best Models

Sign-up for JobLander!

Sign-up for JobLander!

Using JobLander

Using JobLander



One-tenth the amount of manual work.

One-tenth the amount of manual work.



Tailored & perfected for EVERY job.

Tailored & perfected for EVERY job.



10x More job applications.

10x More job applications.



Safest return on investment.

Safest return on investment.